The food we eat today has been impacted by major historical events, diverse influences from all over the world, and the introduction of new ingredients and cooking techniques. Using their favourite meal as a starting point, these resources encourage students to think about where their food has come from and how our diet might evolve in the future.
What different kinds of food did people mention?
What influenced people’s food choices?
What do you think food will look like in the future?
Our Lesson Presentations (available to download below) contain activity ideas, teacher’s notes and printable activity sheet slides for delivering a lesson. Choose the appropriate age group below to get started.
Use the Food Explorers (5–7) Presentation to introduce pupils to the Eatwell Guide and explore the foods eaten at two different Olympic and Paralympic Games throughout history. The My Favourite Meal activity sheet encourages students to think about what their favourite food is, how it makes them feel and how it might change in the future.
Use the Food Trends (7–11) Presentation to introduce pupils to the Eatwell Guide use this to understand why Olympic and Paralympic athletes eat and enjoy certain foods. To explore how our diet has changed over time and what it might look like in the future, use the Food Timeline and Future Food Challenge worksheets.
Use the Food Trends (11–14) Presentation to explore how the food we eat has changed throughout history and understand the influences that caused these changes. Through the Future Foods Challenge, students will take on the role of a food entrepreneur to develop their vision for what food might look like at future Olympic and Paralympic Games.