Shop with success

Support students aged 5-14 to budget, shop and store food with our newly updated resources. 

Throwing away good food is costing the average family £500 a year. Our recenlty updated Shop with Success activities help students to develop essential life skills, supporting them to budget, shop for and store food, through fun quizzes and games. 

Key questions 

  • How much do common food items cost?
  • What influences the choices we make about food? 
  • Does food get wasted in your home and what can you do to change this?
  • How can we 'shop with success'?

Key learnings 

  • The role money plays in our lives, including what may influence our spending and budgeting choices.
  • Using addition, subtraction and basic division skills in calculations involving pounds and pence.
  • The skills to make healthy choices about food, understanding what might influence choices and the benefits of eating a balanced diet.

Film discussion points

Watch the Shop with Success film (recommended for ages 5–11) and discuss the following questions.

  • What does Alistair Brownlee like about shopping for food?
  • What recipe is Jacqueline going to make?
  • Why is it important to write a shopping list?
  • What did Jacqueline buy? Where did she store her items?

Activity ideas

Download the resources below to explore our Shop with Success activities.

Shop with Success presentations

  • Use Shop with Success presentation (primary and advanced/secondary versions provided) to introduce the topic of shopping, budgeting and the choices we make about food with students.
  • Discuss the prices of common food items with the higher or lower game.
  • Watch the Shop with Success film (recommeded for 5–11) to find our top shopping tips.
  • Discuss where different foods should be stored and why.
  • Discuss what might influence different people’s choices about food using the profiles in the basket choices slide (advanced presentation only).
  • Select one of our Shop for an athlete games (see below) to help students explore different recipes and budgeting.

Ingredient match activity cards (recommended for ages 5–7)

  • Divide the class in groups of four (or four pairs).
  • Give each player a set of cards/activity sheet containing their athlete's shopping list and the ingredient match cards to cut out (or prepare cut out in advance and provide cards and shopping list separately).
  • Play the simple matching game as outlined in the primary Shop with Success presentation.
  • The purpose of this game is to familiarise students with the ingredients in their own (and others) shopping list, building their knowledge of the food that goes into simple meals and recipes.
  • If time permits, after playing one round, ask pupils to swap shopping lists and then play again.

Supermarket storm activity cards and sheets (recommended for ages 7–11)

  • Divide the class in groups of four pairs.
  • Give each pair a set of cards/activity sheet containing their athlete's shopping list and the ingredient match cards to cut out, alongside a sheet of wild cards and question cards. (Alternatively, cut out in advance and provide cards and shopping list separately).
  • Play the Supermarket Storm game as outlined in the primary Shop with Success presentation.
  • The purpose of this game is to build students’ knowledge of the food that goes into simple meals and recipes, and to provide opportunities for students to practise simple budgeting.

Advanced supermarket storm activity cards and sheets (recommended for ages 11–14)

  • Divide the class in groups of four pairs.
  • Give each pair a set of cards/activity sheet containing their athlete's shopping list and the ingredient match cards to cut out, alongside a sheet of wild cards and question cards. (Alternatively, cut out in advance and provide cards and shopping list separately).
  • Play the Supermarket Storm game as outlined in the Advanced Shop with Success presentation.
  • The purpose of this game is to build students’ knowledge of the food that goes into simple meals and recipes, and to provide opportunities for students to practise simple budgeting.

Ingredient estimator activity sheet

  • Hand out the Ingredient Estimator activity sheet and ask pupils to estimate how much of each item their family uses in one week, before taking the sheet home to record the actual amounts.

Champion Shopping List, Champion Meal Planner and Advanced Champion Meal Planner activity sheets

  • Challenge pupils to design, budget and plan a meal for a Team GB or ParalympicsGB athlete.
  • The Champion Shopping List activity sheet (recommended for students aged 5–7) asks children to select and investigate six foods from set options.
  • The Champion Meal Planner activity sheet (recommended for students aged 7–11) includes space for pupils to record their shopping list, budget and storage instructions. It includes a word bank to support students in responding to questions. Pupils can use our Eat Fresh With athlete profiles for inspiration or come up with their own recipies to shop for.
  • The Advanced Champion Meal Planner activity sheet (recommended for students aged 11–14) asks students to plan and record their shopping list/ingredient list, budget and storage instructions independently. 

Student Resources

Shop with Success Presentation

Learn about budgeting, simple recipes, food waste and build the skills to Shop with Success.

Resource type: Presentation

Learning focus: budgeting, food choices, food waste, simple recipes, healthy eating

Recommended age group: 5–11

Advanced Shop with Success Presentation

Explore budgeting, what influences the food we buy, and create a meal for a Team GB athlete.

Resource type: Presentation

Learning focus: budgeting, food choices, food waste, simple recipes, healthy eating

Recommended age group: 11–14

Ingredient Match Activity Cards

Cut out then find the matching cards to complete your shopping list.

Resource type: Activity sheet

Learning focus: simple recipes, healthy eating, budgeting

Recommended age group: 5–7

Supermarket Storm Activity Cards

Cut out and use the cards to play the Supermarket Storm game.

Resource type: Activity sheet

Learning focus: simple recipes, healthy eating, budgeting

Recommended age group: 7–11

Advanced Supermarket Storm Activity Cards

Cut out and use the cards to play the Supermarket Storm game. Includes alternative food cards to expand the game.

Resource type: Activity sheet

Learning focus: simple recipes, healthy eating, budgeting, food choices

Recommended age group: 11–14

Ingredient Estimator Activity Sheet

Challenge students to estimate the amount of common foods their family consumes each week.

Resource type: Activity sheet

Learning focus: budgeting, food choices, food waste

Recommended age group: 5–14

Champion Shopping List Activity Sheet

Ask pupils to select foods to plan and cost a meal for a Team GB or ParalympicsGB athlete.

Resource type: Activity sheet

Learning focus: simple recipes, healthy eating, budgeting

Recommended age group: 5–7

Champion Meal Planner Activity Sheet

Challenge students to plan and budget a meal for a Team GB or ParalympicsGB athlete. Includes word bank for support.

Resource type: Activity sheet

Learning focus: simple recipes, healthy eating, budgeting

Recommended age group: 5–11

Advanced Champion Meal Planner Activity Sheet

Challenge students to plan and budget a well-balanced meal for a Team GB or ParalympicsGB athlete.

Resource type: Activity sheet

Learning focus: simple recipes, healthy eating, budgeting

Recommended age group: 11–14
